Published Paper

A Perusal into Supremacy of Education in the Cascading Cognitive Pragmatics in Chronic Alcoholic Users

Girija P C, Nayana Narayana & Fathima Sisiliya
Page: 1046-1053
Published on: 2023 June


Purpose: cognitive pragmatics is an essential element for effective communication. Impact of alcohol of cognitive pragmatics is less researched. There are many factors that affect the decline of cognitive pragmatics in alcohol users, education being a favourable one. Investigating how education can prevent the decline in cognitive pragmatics is necessary. Method: A total of 40 chronic alcohol users in the age range of 50 to 70 years were divided into 4 groups based on education and AUDIT score. These participants were assessed on the cognitive pragmatic domain Findings: Both educated and lesser educated participants in low risk as well as high risk group performed worst on humour. Chronic alcohol users with higher levels of education did better on the domains of discourse, figurative language 1, and narratives, whereas those with lower levels of education did better on the domains of discourse, narratives, and figurative language 1. Conclusion: Irrespective of education, the overall cognitive pragmatics was impaired in chronic alcohol users. The impact of alcohol was most evident in domain humour as it required more sophisticated metal faculties. However, overall, the performance of educated group was much better than their less educated counterpart in all the domains. From this we can conclude that education somewhat limit the erosion of cognitive pragmatics by providing a scaffold.