Socio-economic Benefit of Home Garden Agro forestry Practice to Smallholder Farmers in the Ethiopia Country
Suleymen Abdureman Omer, Aliye Jemal Mohammed, Hakim HashimTraditional home gardens in southwest Ethiopia is well-known land use practices playing an important role in both biodiversity conservation and livelihood aspects. Home garden is more diverse and provides multiple products for farm households. The objective of this seminar was to review and describe existing tree species agro biodiversity, identifying the socioeconomic contribution of home garden to household livelihood, assess the factors affecting home garden of the practice in Ethiopia. Over population growth and degradation of land reduce the total land area. Thus Home garden Agro fore story plays a significant role in improving livelihood for the smallholders in developing countries like Ethiopia. Some Farmers in Ethiopia are very poor. They have not enough land. They cultivated fruits, vegetables, tree, timber species around their homestead and those are managed by traditionally. The high diversity of species in home garden have a wide socioeconomic and ecological roles including production of food and a wide range of other products such as firewood, fodders, spices, medicinal plants and ornamentals and avoidance of environmental deterioration of climate related hazards commonly associated with mono-culture production systems income generating site.