The Phytotoxic Effect of Lead (Pb) and Arsenic (As) on Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Trigonella Foenum-GraceumL Seedlings
Megha R. ChovatiaThe biosphere is constantly polluted by accumulation of heavy metal contamination. Synthetic materials and industrial products lead to increase the heavy metals in environment. These contaminants also harmful for Agricultural crops. Lead (Pb) is extensively used in electronic and other industries. Arsenic is used in paper and textile industries.The present study was conducted to determine the phytotoxic effect of lead and arsenic on Trigonella foenum-graceumL. seedling. The different concentrations of lead and Arsenic ranging from 25ppm; 50ppm; 75ppm and 100ppm were used for 10 days. Effects of varying concentrations on germination of seed is taken into consideration. Various physio-biochemical parameters i.e., fresh and dry weights, water content and length, chlorophyll content is measured. The data suggested that lead and arsenic found to be toxic for germination of seeds.