Published Paper

Saliva As A Diagnostic Tool In Diagnosing Monkeypox In India A Global Pandemic In Waiting A Short Review

G Kamala , Mithun Pai, Shweta Yellapurkar,Aishwarya Rai , Archith Boloor
Page: 794-799
Published on: 2023 June



Orthopoxvirus is a genus Variola of the family poxviridae and subfamily chordopoxvirinae.  Poxviruses are a large double stranded DNA genomes which are brick or oval shaped viruses. In humans, the infection usually occurs due to close contact with contaminated people or materials or animals. Monkeypox infection is the emerging disease which is transmitted by the virus to humans from animals, rodents and human to human transmission in people with  high-risk sexual behaviour  .

Materials and methods

A search strategy was designed using MesH terms and keywords specific to relevant topic.

The search included key words monkeypox virus, variola virus, saliva, diagnostic tool, oral symptoms, pox virus materials available only in English were retrieved

We employed in Medline (PubMed), google scholar, Scopus . Two original study regarding monkeypox were retrieved from google scholar,  fourreview articles from PubMed , one case report from PubMed , one comparative study from PubMed, four original study from PubMed


Salivary diagnostic tools are noninvasive and can be cost efficient when compared to other tools, easy sample collection method, self-directed approach and non-contagious. Hence further studies are required on development and utilizing of saliva as a diagnostic tool for diagnosing the diseases in this era of infections is the pressing priority