Published Paper

Coffee leaf miner ecosystem: Case study on Agro ecological distribution and Socio-economic impact of coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella

Abebayehu Aweke and Habtamu Deribe

Page: 47-55
Published on: 2013 June


Coffee is essential natural resource that plays a great role in social, cultural, economic and political values in the study area. However, it is under production constraint and challenge caused by different factors. One of the most challenging factors in coffee production is coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella L.). This research was aimed to assess the Agro-ecological distribution and socio economic impact of the pest in the study areas so as to address the challenges of coffee production using pest management strategies of the pest. Both primary and secondary data were used and total of 147 sample households coffee farms were used for the investigation. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; percentage, inferential statistics and frequency rank weight method. The study discovered the spatialoccurrence of the pest is higher in Woinadega followed by Dega and Kollaagro climate zone, respectively. Woinadega agro climate zone is suitable for severe distribution of pest.  This is becauseof moisthumid and warm tropical climatic conditions which is important for best proliferation or multiplication of pest. However, most of the populations in the area depend on coffee product; the pest reduces yield of coffee in relation to other factors. It is suggested that creating community awareness, strengthening the best traditional and community based management system, introducing improved coffee plant, encouraging local people to participate in the protection and management of the pest could be the possible alternatives to overcome problems caused by coffee pest.