Published Paper

Comparative Evaluation of Accuracy of Alginate and Alginate Substitute Material Driven Casts Used for Mounting An In vitro Study

M Asha , Shenoy V K ,Mehendale AV , Upadhya M , Shenoy R
Page: 773-778
Published on: 2023 June


Problem: One of the main driving force for use of alginate substitute driven opposing  models is the severe mismatch between modern bite registration materials, Vinyl polysiloxane impression material  and alginate driven stone models. Therefore the objective of the study is to compare the accuracy of alginate and alginate substitute material driven opposing casts in terms of reproduction of inter arch measurement and number of occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation. Approach: A typodont tooth was scored with a round bur on the labial and buccal side on each maxillary and corresponding mandibular tooth on both the sides for inter arch measurements. Impressions of the typodont were made with alginate and alginate substitute material. Stone models were articulated in maximum intercuspation. Inter arch measurements were recorded using a Vernier digital caliper and number of occlusal contacts were registered using an articulating foil.Sharpico Wilk test was done for testing normality and data was found to be normally distributed. Continuous data was represented as mean and standard deviation. One way  analysis of variance was done and p value of < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.  Findings: No statistically significant difference was found in terms of reproduction of inter arch measurements and the number of occlusal contacts in both the groups.  Conclusion: Both alginate and alginate substitute driven opposing casts reproduced inter arch measurements and number of occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation with comparable accuracy.