Published Paper

Continuity Sense of Place Before and During Covid 19 Pandemic in Heritage Urban Space Tangerang, Indonesia

Dedes Nurgandarum, Sarwosri Moertiningsih
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
Page: 717-730
Published on: 2023 June


A sense of place are important in maintaining the meaning and identity of urban landscape. However, external factors are often able to shift the meaning of a place. One of the elements related to the formation of meaning in a place is activity both at the level of diversity and density. The COVID-19 pandemic that is happening all over the world has changed the way people do their activities, due to restrictions on communal activities to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Changes in the way of activities related to daily life will automatically change or shift the meaning of a place. This study aims to is to identify senses of place that can still be recognized or understood and to describe how far the meaning and sense of place change or shift as well as continue in a historical urban landscape, especially in the historical Tangerang Old Market, before the COVID-19 pandemic and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study shows, that there is a reduction in the diversity of sense of place. Sustainability of Sense of Place, which can be felt consistently before and during the COVID-19 pandemic are sense of community, economic, cultural, historicity, and sacrality or spirituality, which is strongly related to the level of place attachment and fulfillment of physiological, safety, as well as belongingness needs. The levels of human needs, thus affecting the existence of a sense of place and place attachment at the Tangerang Old Market.