Published Paper

"The Importance of Effective Doctor Patient Communication in Enhancing Quality Healthcare Outcomes: A Study on Cancer Patients in India"

Dr. Sundaresan Chellamuthu & Dr. Annie Rajiah MS OG
Page: 702-707
Published on: 2023 June


Introduction: The Problem: Effective doctor-patient communication is essential for delivering quality healthcare and achieving positive patient outcomes. the significance of communication skills in the context of doctor-patient relationships, particularly significant in the care of cancer patients. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) play a crucial role in cancer clinical trials, facilitating the communication of symptoms and emotions between patients and medical professionals. Expressive writing has been shown to have positive effects on physical and emotional well-being. Cancer patients face numerous challenges and changes, making it important to provide opportunities for them to express their experiences and assess the impact on their functional, cognitive, psychological, physical, and emotional well-being. The EORTC quality of life scoring system helps measure these dimensions and evaluate the effects of treatment. However, QoL studies in Indian cancer patients are lacking, and this study aims to assess QoL scores in various parameters at a hospital in South India. Methods: The Approach: Study population and setting- cancer patients attending the quarternary multispeciality hospital were recruited for the study, aged between 18-80 years, Data collection and measurement tools- EORTC QLQ- C30 [1] validated  Tamil translated questionnaire was  used a patient self reported tool , 186 patients were offered to fill up the questionnaire, 150  consented and filled the tool.  Statistical analysis- Pearson co-relation co-efficient was calculated between sub-parameters, p value <0.05 was taken as significant. Results: The findings: On the Global QoL front the mean score of our study patients  was  55, with increasing age there was fall in almost all the parameters of Quality of life, except for Emotional function, Females comprised 56.6% of the study population, females had better scores compared to males in almost all dimensions of QoL, Analysis of quality of life scores among cancer patients in India showed that though the functional scores were poorer compared to the EORTC study subjects, our study participants  scored better in symptoms scores with comparably better sleep pattern , fatigue scores etc Conclusion: The study found that 80.64% of patients completed the questionnaire, indicating good acceptability. Indian cancer patients had lower QoL scores than western counterparts, but showed resilience in coping with symptoms like sleep disturbances, fatigue, and pain. Women had higher functional scores but were more affected by nausea/vomiting and financial concerns. Increasing age was inversely related to QoL, with older age groups experiencing more pain, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. The study emphasizes the need for routine assessment of QoL and interventions to improve patients' well-being.