Published Paper

Effects of Demographic Factors on Job Satisfaction Among Employees of Higher Educational Institutions in Central India

Raj Maurya, M. Sanjoy Singh & Sukanta Kumar Baral
Page: 471-483
Published on: 2023 June


This study explores the effects of demographic factors i.e., category, educational level, marital status, length of service, and job area, on employees' job satisfaction in higher educational institutions of central India among 640 employees. The hypotheses were assessed using simple statistical methods and tools such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, factor analysis, t-test, correlation, and regression. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.847, showing the scale has excellent internal consistency. Out of the 29 statements, 26 of high-reliability scores were found and assessed. 6 factors were found by factor analysis, accounting for 89.776% of the total changes in the variable set. According to the t-test, job satisfaction is significantly higher, in females, unmarried employees, ST and EWS categories, 39-49 years of age, employees working in urban areas and below 4 years of service. The study found that all the demographic factors were significant except the length of service on job satisfaction, was highly correlated with educational level, followed by job area, marital status and category. The overall job satisfaction of employees was moderate. The F-value is 8.923where the impacts value of the factors are category (β=0.083), educational level (β =0.147), marital status (β= 0.099) and job area (β=0.140) respectively