Published Paper

A critical study on wife beating and determinants of domestic violence among Indian women

Sangram Charan Panigrahi , Rabinarayan Patnaik & Durgamadhab Mahapatra
Page: 283-293
Published on: 2023 June


Problem: Men and women are equally responsible for running a social system and a family set up. In no context, the role of either should be taken as inferior or should be undermined. However, the attitude of men towards controlling behavior of women counterparts and use of power in case of objection by partner leads to create violence within households. Approach: This study examines the acceptance of wife-beating and prevalence of domestic violence in India from National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) conducted in 2015 to 2016. Women’s place of residence, household wealth quintiles, educational levels, marital status, and husband/partner’s employment status have shown significant association with women’s attitude towards wife-beating. Findings: The current study brings out the various dimensions of domestic violence (like economic, demographic, physical as well as culture driven) typically against the women in India. The uniqueness of this study lies in the fact that the very intrinsic factors behind an unwanted yet prominent phenomenon like domestic violence leading to wife beating has been explored and investigated empirically and illustratively with special focus on emerging economies like India. Conclusion: The findings and insights from this study can help the readers, researchers and policy makers alike to identify more critical areas for in depth understanding of the same and subsequently creating a healthy environment by changing attitudes towards wife-beating and violence against women from other similar situations and places.