Published Paper

Psychological techniques with proper discussion on entrepreneurs strategies to avoid stressful situations

Debajyoti Sarkar
Research Scholar, Department of Commerce Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Page: 210-221
Published on: 2023 June


The key responsibility of entrepreneurs is to build a successful business due to which the symptoms of mental stress can be seen in them .Entrepreneurs have to go through with a tremendous pressure for dealing with the entire business, therefore, they have to adapt entrepreneurial traits that include certain psychological capacity such as being optimistic, having full of self-efficacy. Primary quantitative data collection is found to be effective for the concerned research article by applying survey analysis through SPSS software. The result has shown that psychological techniques are not that important for entrepreneurs and also the stresses cannot affect severely the entrepreneurs as they have to stay strong and optimistic. However, innovation and advanced technologies are significant for entrepreneurs to have.   Entrepreneurs have to learn how to handle stresses in terms of any problems that arise in different parts of the businesses as it is a basic thing for today’s entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs must have innovative skills behind their business ideas and strategies. Also, they must include advanced technologies in different business processes so that they can achieve success in the business.