Published Paper

Knowledge attitude and Practices about Dental care among Parents of children class 1-5 from a Rural School of Haryana.

Rahul Gandhi, Sukhdev Rathore and Pallavi Rathore
Mohri ,Kurukshetra,Haryana
Page: 194-202
Published on: 2023 June


Aim The aim of this study was to assess the existing knowledge, attitude, and practices about dental health care amongst parents of children class 1-5 from a rural school of Haryana.Material and methods: The study was conducted in a rural school of Haryana district kurukshetra.The students of class 1 to 5 were the subjects. It was an online questionnaire based study which included 10 questions to access knowledge and practices amongst parents about dental care. The questions were sent via google forms to the parents .consent was obtained from the Principal and all the parents .125 responses were obtained. The duration of study was from July 2022 to august 2022 .All responses were recorded and diagrammatically represented . Statistical analysis: The results were statistically analysed and percentage was calculated .Results:66.9 % parents say their child brushes teeth two times a day. 62.9% children received treatment from dentists for tooth problems,13.7 % parents report that they have never visited dentist till 5y. 59. 7% of p ar e nt s sa y th e y r e gul arl y us e d bo t tl es f or fe edi ng t heir c hild, 15.3 % use d s om etim es a nd 12. 1 % us ed ra re ly. 29. 8% parents report their child smell foul from mouth some times. 40.3% parents say they have seen some cavities or black stains on their child’s teeth .4. 6 % use the right peanut size of toothpaste. 83 . 9% think sweetened & junk foods can affect the child teeth even if temporary .51.6% parents use any commercial toothpasteavailable in the market. Conclusions: The knowledge, awareness and practices about the dental issues in rural areas was found to be quite satisfactory. Oral health education programs should be conducted in all the schools and even parents should also be a part of educational programme. Teachers should also be given education so that they can impart knowledge Introduction Dental caries is the most common chronic disease of childhood globally[1]. Caries levels have been declining the world over, the problem of early childhood caries (ECC)has remained unchanged in many areas of the world, especially the socially deprived.[2,3] Dental caries affecting the primary dentition of preschool children is referred to as Early childhood caries. [4] With changing lifestyles, a trend of having a single child and increased the cost of living, most of the parents are working with very less time left for performing day-to-day oral health care practices in their child's early years. Results Practices of tooth paste use available in the market 48. 4% use medicated toothpaste only as prescribed by dentist.( fig 1). Frequency of dental visits (fig 2).5 0 . 8 % children visit to the dentist only if any problem however 3 5 . 5 % visit the dentist regularly . P r e f e r e n c e o f d e n t i s t / p a e d i a t r i c i a n ( f i g 3 )8 4 . 7 % parents prefer to visit only dentists for any tooth problem while15.3% prefer their paediatrician. Frequency of tooth brushing( fig 4).6 6 . 9 % parents say their child brushes teeth two times a day however 32% parents say their child brushes teeth one time a day. Awareness about dental issues(fig 5).40.3% parents report their children have some cavities or black stains on their tooth Knowledge about junk and sugar rich foods (fig6).Most of the parents 83.9 %think sugary and junk foods affect the child teeth even if temporary . 195 | Scope Volume 13 Number 02 June 2023 and importance on oral health in parent teacher meeting. Oral. Oral preventive care should be included in school curriculum.