Published Paper

Juvenile delinquency in Odisha (2003 to 2021): Understanding the trend and pattern of crime rate

Dr. Subhasmita Panda, Saswati Pragnya Sahoo & Sampad Mohapatra
Page: 146-162
Published on: 2023 June


Juvenile delinquency is an emerging social issue that has a deterrent effect on social law and order. It grabbed the attention of many educators, experts, and several law enforcement agencies. This research aims to explore juvenile delinquency in Odisha under different crime heads according to Indian Penal Code (IPC) and various percentage changes between the years 2003 to 2021. The basic motto of the present study is exploring the crimes committed by minors (Children in conflict with law). According to the statistical report by NCRB -The total cognizable crime rates are gradually spouting day by day. The crime rates for two decades of report showed that the significant changes have been reported from 2003 to 2021.  The total number of cognizable crimes recorded in 2021 had increased more than 5 times in the past 2 decades. The NCRB report of 2016 showed the drastic increase of juvenile crime rates in different crime heads. Several crimes committed by the juveniles have been added in 2016 as delinquent activities that were not mentioned in the previous reports. A clear distinction is found in the data of the 2008 report and the 2016 report of the crimes committed by the juveniles. The rate and severity of major heinous crimes have also increased than it was before like the rate of conviction in the crime of murder has doubled within the year gap from 2008 to 2016, crime of rape has been six times increased, and kidnapping has increased 5 times more than before. Theft, Dacoity, robbery and burglary rates in Odisha went up in a progressive manner in recent years.The study will help to find out in analyzing the type of crimes and rate of crimes committed by the children in conflict with law in Odisha. This study will also help to promote several awareness or intervention programs at the individual level or government level.