Secured Data Transfer with Multi Layered Secured Encryption Standards Using Onion Protocol
M. Sumithra, B. Buvaneswari, Mohan Raj S, Jagadesh E, Ganesh NBecause of the increased reliance on technology and the internet. With so much personal and sensitive information being exchanged over networks, the risk for cyber assaults and data breaches is greater than ever. This paper aims to increase the security of data against various attacks in a network. A multi-layered secured encryption standard using onion protocol was pro-posed in this paper to improve the security of data. This model would first choose the optimum path to deliver the data. The data is first encrypted at the source end using the RSA technique, then it is sent to the subsequent node where decryption occurs, which finally goes to the destination. The result shows that for larger files, our model's decryption process is faster than the encryption process. Since multilayer encryption is used, even if one layer of encryption is broken, the data remains encrypted and secured by the other levels of encryption. So this model can be an effective approach to in-crease the security of data against several attacks compared to other encryption schemes.