Published Paper

Entrepreneurship skills needed by vocational and technical education students for self-employment in a recessed economy

Timothy O. Olinya, Honesta C. Anorue & Faruk S. Abdullahi

Page: 192-200
Published on: 2022 September


The study identified the entrepreneurship skills needed by Vocational and Technical Education Students for self-employment in a recessed economy.  The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population for the study was 172 which comprises of 52 vocational and technical education Lecturers from both Federal College of Education Eha-Amfufu, and Enugu State College of Education (Technical)Enugu State, and 120 Vocational and Technical Education Students from both Colleges. The instrument for data collection was structured questionnaires. Data collected from the respondents was analyzed using statistical packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS-20.0). The statistical tools for data analysis were mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions.   The study found that , organize activities in line with set up of organizational guidelines, ability to prevent conflicts and resolve issues as they arise, demonstrate effective financial management, and application of basic accounting record principles among others, are some of the entrepreneurship skills needed by vocational and technical education students for self-employment in a recessed economy.  The study recommends among others, that Lecturers in vocational and Technical Education should undergo training and re-training in entrepreneurship skills in forecasting models to be able to meet up with new trend in global economy and Technology.