Analyse the level of potato productivity in Hooghly district of West Bengal during the time span of 2007-08
Aparna GhoseWest Bengal ranks second in terms of potato production in India (Department of Agriculture Cooperation, Govt. of India). Hooghly district is one of the leading potato producing districts of West Bengal. The paper attempts to analyse the level of potato productivity in Hooghly district of West Bengal during the time span of 2007-08. The present study is entirely based on the secondary data which have been collected mainly from the District Statistical Handbook, 2008. Crop yield and concentration indices ranking coefficient of Singh (1976) has been used to demarcate the blocks of Hooghly district in terms of potato productivity. The paper reveals that the highest yield index of potato is found in Pursurah block (133.05) and the lowest in Khanakul- II (20.37). The highest concentration index of potato has been recorded in Pursurah (151.05) and the lowest as 22.02 in Serampur-Uttarpara block. The highest level of potato productivity has been found in Pursurah block and the lowest in Balagarh block. To minimise the disparity in potato productivity across the blocks of Hooghly district, special emphasis should be given to the efficient use of modern technological inputs and allocation of fertile alluvial tracts with better use of irrigation.