Published Paper

Cultural importance indices of some useful plants of Ambala district, Haryana, India

Dr. Mandeep Kaur and Dr. B.D. Vashistha

Page: 134-142
Published on: 2019 December


Measuring the “importance” of plants and vegetation to people is a central concern in quantitative ethnobotany. A common tool to quantify otherwise qualitative data in the biological and social sciences is an index. Relative cul­tural importance (RCI) indices such as the “use values” developed by Prance et al. (1987) and Phillips and Gentry (1993a, 1993b) are applied in ethnobotany to calculate a value per folk or ethnobotany of a plant taxon. These approaches can provide data amenable to hypothesis-testing, statisti­cal validation, and comparative analysis. Keeping in view the importance of quantitative ethnobotany for the first time ethnobotanical data was collected from the study area and cultural importance index of 41 plant species was calculated.