Published Paper

Endemic Avian Species in the Riverine Region of Rohilkhand, Uttar Pradesh

Chanchal Shrivastav1, Manoj Joshi2, Shweta Gupta3, Priyanka Gangwar4, Shubhra Shukla5, and Rajesh kumar6
Page: 398-412
Published on: 2024 December


Bareilly, situated in the Rohilkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India, boasts a rich avian population that includes several endemic species. This project aims to comprehensively review the endemic species found in Bareilly, shedding light on their ecological significance, distribution patterns, and conservation status.Using a combination of field surveys of rivers, crops, populations, historical literature data, and expert consultation, this study identifies key endemic species such as the Rock pigeon (Columba livia), Common crow (Corvus splendens), Black kite (Milvus migrans), Indian Myna (Acridotherens tristis), Indian House sparrow (Passer domestics), River lapwing (Vanellusduvaucelii), Red-rumped swallow (Cerropisdaurica), Purple sunbird (Cinnyris asiaticus), Asian koel (Eudynamysscolopaceus), Asian green eater (Meropusorientalis), Jungle Babbler (Argya striata), Red-vented Asia bulbul (Pycnonotuscafer), and Common Indian hawk Cuckoo (Hierococcyxvarius), among others. These birds inhabit diverse habitats, including moist areas, aquatic habitats, grasslands, forests, and agricultural farms. It has been contemplated that these IndianAves define varieties are more abundant in natural habitats compared to urbanized areas.The findings of this project contribute to our understanding of the avian biodiversity in Bareilly and underscore the importance of conserving natural habitats to support endemic bird populations. Efforts to preserve these habitats are crucial for ensuring the continued survival of these species and maintaining the ecological balance of the region.