Practical Anesthesia Guidelines for Pediatric Daycare Surgery: An Update
Mahesh Nayak1; Sushma Thimmaiah Kanakalakshmi2Daycare surgery for children is frequent, and recently even children with multiple comorbidities are undergoing increasingly difficult surgeries on a daycare basis. Compared to an overnight stay, in daycare surgery, the advantages for the child and their parents/caregivers are less interference with their regular routine, minimal emotional and psychological impacts. Daycare services are more economical for organizations and increase efficiency, however various crucial elements must be considered to provide top-notch pediatric daycare surgery services. This article addresses the key to a successful daycare surgery which includes a proper infrastructure, acceptable inclusion/exclusion standards, the need for a preoperative evaluation, optimum anesthetic management (induction, airway management, intraoperative monitoring, intravenous hydration, maintenance) and appropriate management of speculated postoperative complications. Even though there are stringent requirements for daycare procedures, the anesthetist must be mindful of handling each case independently.