Published Paper

Management of Abruptio Placenta with DIC- Amultidisciplinary Approach

Madhushree C N1, Ashok Kumar K2
Department of OBG, ESICMC and PGIMSR, Rajajinagar, Bangalore, India
Page: 514-517
Published on: 2024 September


Pregnancy-related DIC(disseminated intravascular coagulation)is an unusualbut serious consequence. The most frequent associated complication with acute DIC patients is placental abruption. Case: We are reporting a case of G2P1L1 with 29 weeks period of gestation referred from a local hospital with severe abdominal pain and bleeding per vagina, which was diagnosed as a case of Abruptio placentae. Intrauterine fetal death was confirmed on the ultrasound. Under general anesthesia, Emergency caesarean section was done in view of severe abruption with poor bishop score. Extracted a dead male fetus weighing 1.15 kg. Retroplacental clot of around 500gram present with average blood loss of 2000ml with Couvelaire uterus. Intraoperatively 2-unit PRBC transfusion done.  Post operatively patient developed DIC with severe anemia. Patient shifted to ICU and managed with transfusion of 5unit PRBC,11FFP, 4RDP and managed successfully. Conclusion: Placental abruption with DIC should be managed carefully as it is associated with serious perinatal as well as maternal outcome. Early detection along with multidisciplinary approach is required to manage successfully.