Published Paper

Impact of Official Development Assistance on the Quality of Economic Sectors in Nigeria

*1Oladipo, Olajide. S., Ukeje Marie C., Yusuf Wasiu. A.
Department of Economics, Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja FCT
Page: 210-230
Published on: 2024 June


Official statistics reveals that large swings have remained a consistent trend in official development Assistance in Nigeria but its influence on economic development is yet to be fully investigated. The study adopted an ex post facto research design, with the data covering all the sectors of the economy and spanning 2000-2020; a period of 21 years. A dynamic Panel ARDL estimation technique is preferred for the analysis given by Pesaran and Shin (2003). The Hausman test indicated preference to Pool Mean Group (PMG) estimator to determine possible homogenous effect. The findings revealed that development assistance improves the overall economic growth by 0.014 percent and 0.076 percent in the long-run and short-run respectively. However, in the health sector, there is an indication of 0.276 percent increase in economic growth as result of official development assistance while the educational sector experienced 0.71percent all things being equal. It is therefore recommended that the health and educational ministries should be transparent enough to boost confidence of donors.