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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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Legal and Ethical Consideration of Euthanasia in India: A Choice between Life and Death

Rouf Ahmad Bhat, Shakoor Ahmad Dar, Prof. Dr. Anita Deshpande


Euthanasia has always been in glare of publicity and as a subject of debate in the field of medicine and law. It is one of the most baffling issue which the world face today when it comes to the life of a patient with terminal illness and acute pain, who is in a vegetate state and cannot support life with dignity. Severely handicapped or terminally ill people are supposed to have the right to choose between life and death. Euthanasia has been much debated subject throughout the world and India entered into the arena for debate since the case of Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug (a junior nurse at King Edward Hospital, Parel, Mumbai) who was sexually assaulted by a ward boy in the evening of Nov 27, 1973. The present study provides the case of some countries which have enacted legislations to euthanasia, among these handful of countries Netherlands was the first to start the practice of euthanasia and later was joined by Canada, Columbia, Belgium, Luxemburg and the state of Oregon in USA. India also joined these countries which have already legalized mercy killing in some form or other, so far India is concerned ‘Passive Euthanasia’ is legalized by Supreme Court’s two judge bench on 7th March 2011. Varied forms of euthanasia has been highlighted in the present research paper, the most prominent among them include Active and Passive, Voluntary and Non-Voluntary euthanasia. In the current study an attempt was made to explore the arguments in favour and the arguments against euthanasia and an account of euthanasia and the position of life in Islam is also explored. The research method used for the accumulation and analysation of data in the current study is Descriptive/ Ex post facto method. Finally an attempt was made to see the possibilities by which euthanasia can be avoided to a large extent while taking into consideration the ethical code of humanity.


Professional Commitment of Male and Female Higher Secondary School Teachers in Kashmir Division

Dr.Aashiq Ahmad Thoker


The present study was conducted to find and compare the professional commitment of male and female School teachers on the basis of sex. 800 male and female School teachers were selected by using random cum stratified sampling technique. Professional Commitment Scale developed by RavinderKaurRanu and SarvjeetKaurBrar was uses for data collection. The data was subjected to statistical treatment by using percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and ‘t’ test. Results revealed that male and female school teachers differ significantly on various levels of professional commitment. Male School teachers were found high committed towards their profession as compared to female school teachers.


Non-Brahmanism and Nature: An Intellectual Environmental History of Jyotirao Phule

V.M. Ravi Kumar


This paper explores the ecological dimension of non-Brahman discourse and practice by focusing on Jyotirao Phule who happens to be one of the critical thinkers of modern India. His ideas on non-Brahman movement received wider popularity within Indian public and academia. This paper proposes that the ideas of Phule have exciting ecological dimension which are extremely useful in the contemporary times. By focusing on ecological dimension of Phule, this paper proposes that he puts equity at the centre stage of rural development and ecological progress. By exploring the ideas of Phule this paper attempts to construct a theory of non Brahman perspective of nature. This theory enables us to look at nature beyond Hindu nationalist and Brahmanical perspective which needs to capture the non-Brahman perception of nature.     


Comparative assessment of biomedical waste segregation practices in public and private hospital of Jammu region

Sonali Verma & Dr. Angelika sharma


Health care is important for our life, but the waste generated from various medical activities poses a severe problem to all living forms and to our environment as well. The large amount of infectious and hazardous waste generated in various health care hospitals and facilities are a matter of significant concern not only in India but also around the world. Biomedical waste management is one of the biggest challenges of the present day times since it has a direct impact on the health of the citizen of that city. The Present Study aims to provide information about the management, Segregation, & Storage of medical wastes in Public as well as Private Hospitals in Jammu Region. A  Simple random sampling technique have been used  to distribute a semi structured questionnaire among IV class workers at two hospitals in Jammu Region with 30 respondents from Govt. Hospital and 30 respondents from Private hospital. The results disclosed that, Bio Medical waste Management facilities are proper in the public hospital where as private hospital still suffer from inappropriate biomedical wastes management. This study mainly focused on   Training of the IV class, segregation and storage of Biomedical Waste Management.


A geographic analysis of natural hazard profile of Kerala, India

Dr. R Anil Kumar & Dr. V.K Jayalakshmi


Kerala is located in the south western part of India exposes to different types of natural hazards and it is considered as the multi hazard prone state in the country. The state is mainly susceptible to eight natural hazards which include floods, landslides, droughts, lightning, earthquakes, coastal erosions, tsunami and cyclone.  Geographical factors have profound influence on the hazard profile of the state. The district-wise hazard profile categorized in Kerala does not seem to be distributed evenly in all districts. The present study attempted to develop and evaluate the districts wise multi hazard susceptibility scale and matrix which assessed the profile of eight natural hazards in the fourteen districts of the state. In accordance with this hazard susceptibility index and district susceptibility index was estimated which further categorized into four divisions as Very High Susceptible, High Susceptible, Medium Susceptible and Low Susceptible.  The study reveals that the state exhibits a unique spatial distribution of susceptibility to various natural hazards in the each district. According to the study Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam and Kozhikode are the most susceptible districts while landslide and floods are two hazards which are more susceptible than others. The study would be a first attempt in this kind considering the multi hazard profile of all the districts for assessing districts multi hazard susceptibility of the state.


Cultural importance indices of some useful plants of Ambala district, Haryana, India

Dr. Mandeep Kaur and Dr. B.D. Vashistha


Measuring the “importance” of plants and vegetation to people is a central concern in quantitative ethnobotany. A common tool to quantify otherwise qualitative data in the biological and social sciences is an index. Relative cul­tural importance (RCI) indices such as the “use values” developed by Prance et al. (1987) and Phillips and Gentry (1993a, 1993b) are applied in ethnobotany to calculate a value per folk or ethnobotany of a plant taxon. These approaches can provide data amenable to hypothesis-testing, statisti­cal validation, and comparative analysis. Keeping in view the importance of quantitative ethnobotany for the first time ethnobotanical data was collected from the study area and cultural importance index of 41 plant species was calculated.