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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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The practice and challnges of school based supervision: the case of some selected public primary schools in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia



The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of school based supervision in public primary schools in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Descriptive survey research design was employed to carry out the study. The study participants were 147 respondents (75 instructional leaders and 72 teachers who were selected by using simple random and purposive sampling techniques respectively).An investigators adopted descriptive and inferential statistics to make interpretation of quantitative data sound whereas qualitative data were analyzed thematically to substantiate quantitative data. The results of the study indicated that the practices of school basedsupervision wasconducted sometimes due to shortage of time, limited input physical resources, negative attitudes of the teachers toward instructional supervision, and lack of commitment from both instructional leaders and teachers. It is suggested that educational officials and school community should give due attention to the school based supervision to improve the practice of school based supervision which resulted in students achievement.



E-Learning Facilities Social Studies Laboratory and Students’ Academic Performance in Colleges of Education

Ogheneakoke Edore Clifford & Akpotor Uhririnoghene


The study examined E-learning facilities,Social Studies laboratory students’ academic performance. The study was an Ex-post-facto study. The sample consisted of 315 students drawn through the purposive sampling technique using the multi-stage procedure. The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire.  The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was applied to answer research questions, and ANOVA statistic was used to test the hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The study demonstrated that a significant relationship between social studies laboratory and academic performance showed a relationship between E-learning facilities and students’ academic performance; a significant relationship existed between the use of projectors and academic performance. It wassuggested that the National Commission for Colleges Education (NCCE) ensure that there are equipped laboratory and E-learning facilities before accreditation is given to any Department.


Business Educators Perception of Innovative Teaching Strategies for Delivery of Business Education Programme in Tertiary Institutions in Enugu State, Nigeria

Anorue, Honesta. C., Babalulu, Madu Saba. M and Ekuma, John. E


The sustainability of tertiary institutions in this contemporary era will increasingly rely on diverse forms of digital delivery and transmission. The application of innovative teaching strategies is required to promote teaching and learning in an effective manner. The study sought to examine Business Educators’ perception of innovative teaching strategies for effective delivery of Business Education programme in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. To achieve these objectives, two research questions guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. A total of 57 respondents were drawn from three public tertiary institutions from Department of Business Education  in Enugu state, which represents the sample for the study due to its manageability. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, while the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using ANOVA. Based on the findings it was concluded that the application of innovative teaching strategies in teaching and learning of Business Education will go a long way in improving students’ performance more than the conventional lecture methods. It was therefore, recommended that Business Educators should continue to utilize innovative teaching strategies, methods and techniques, such as; virtual reality, e- learning, moodle, jigsaw among others in order to facilitate and promote effective teaching and learning. Also Business Educators need to constantly update their skills and knowledge so as to keep abreast with the new technologies.



Students self-belief about their mathematics capability and achievement in mathematics

Onoshakpokaiye, E. Odiri


Self-belief in someone’s capability is an important component in learning. Someone who doubts his/her capability or ability may not succeed in accomplishing a given task. Mathematics has been regarded as a difficult subject by many students, and so they try by all means to avoid it. Many students doubt their ability or capability in learning and carrying out mathematics task because they believed that they could not succeed, and this has caused lots of problems and discouragement to the students in learning the subject. This study looked at the students’ self-belief about their capability in learning mathematics, sources that enhance students’ self-beliefs about their mathematics capability, students’ self-belief in their mathematics ability and their achievement. The study uses a correlation. One hundred and forty students of the diploma year two students of a tertiary institution were selected as a sample through random sampling. Two research questions and two hypotheses were stated and used for the study. Instruments for data collection was the questionnaire which was analyzed using the SPSS. The study revealed that i) students’ self-beliefs about their capability in mathematics influence their Ability ii) students’ self-beliefs about their capability in mathematics influence students’ achievement in mathematics.


Entrepreneurship skills needed by vocational and technical education students for self-employment in a recessed economy

Timothy O. Olinya, Honesta C. Anorue & Faruk S. Abdullahi


The study identified the entrepreneurship skills needed by Vocational and Technical Education Students for self-employment in a recessed economy.  The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population for the study was 172 which comprises of 52 vocational and technical education Lecturers from both Federal College of Education Eha-Amfufu, and Enugu State College of Education (Technical)Enugu State, and 120 Vocational and Technical Education Students from both Colleges. The instrument for data collection was structured questionnaires. Data collected from the respondents was analyzed using statistical packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS-20.0). The statistical tools for data analysis were mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions.   The study found that , organize activities in line with set up of organizational guidelines, ability to prevent conflicts and resolve issues as they arise, demonstrate effective financial management, and application of basic accounting record principles among others, are some of the entrepreneurship skills needed by vocational and technical education students for self-employment in a recessed economy.  The study recommends among others, that Lecturers in vocational and Technical Education should undergo training and re-training in entrepreneurship skills in forecasting models to be able to meet up with new trend in global economy and Technology.


Exploring EFL Teachers Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceived Practices of Differentiated Instruction in English Classrooms

Minwuyelet Andualem Desta , Melaku Bayu Workie & Destaw Bayabel Yemer3


The main purpose of this study was to investigate English language teachers’ knowledge, attitudes and perceived classroom practices of differentiated instruction in English classrooms at some selected general secondary schools of west Gojjam zone, Ethiopia. So as to achieve this goal, a mixed research design was employed. Forty five grade nine English language teachers of Wad, Arbegnoch, Anjenie, Gelila, and Yezeleka general secondary schools were selected as participants using comprehensive sampling technique. Interview, questionnaire, and observation were utilized to gather data. The findings indicated that the English language teachers had good conception about differentiated instruction, but there was approximately no practice. The results also revealed that teachers had an adverse attitude towards differentiated instruction. Moreover, large class size, time constraint, lack of commitment and motivation due to inadequate payment, job dissatisfaction due to unmotivated learners and so were reported as deterring factors for DI implementation in EFL classrooms at schools. Based on the findings, it is possible to conclude that EFL teachers’ had a good awareness of DI, but they have lack of commitment in practicing it in the EFL classrooms. Finally, taking note of the results, recommendations were ahead.