Socio-economic impact of Alipurduar town on its surrounding villages
Mr. Arindom BiswasAlipurduar is a district municipal town of West Bengal and is located at the eastern end of the State. Alipurduar town is surrounding by few number of backward villages. There are many parameters of this study; this study is only analyzing the impact of Alipurduar town in case of education and occupation sectors. So this paper the Socio- economic impact of Alipurduar town in the educational, occupational development aspects has been evaluated on its neighboring villages.
Views on the impact of microfinance on the poverty eradication and women's empowerment
Suman PaulThe traditional literature implies that, the impact of microfinance have been divided between those who see it as a means for women's empowerment and others who looks SHGS as a challenge with respect to poverty reduction and empowerment of poor women. It becomes apparent that while access to financial services can and does make vital contributions to the economic productivity and social well-being of poor women and their households. However, the claims of poverty reduction due to microfinance are still a matter of debate. The fundamental question that we face right now is, has microfinance actually contributed to development. This research paper attempts to understand the impact of SHG on women empowerment through a case study in Imphal East District in Manipur as a story of unsuccessful case. The failures of SHGs to achieve the goal of poverty reduction and fulfill its role as an instrument for poverty alleviation have been evaluated and lessons and evidences learnt have been incorporated in the paper.
The purpose of the present study was to find out the Effect of Ladder Training, Plyometric Training and Combined Training on Agility Performance of Inter Collegiate Male Athletes. For this study, sixty (N=60) athletes who was participated in Anna University Erode Zone inter collegiate Athletic meet in the event of sprinting was randomly selected as subjects. Their age ranged from 18 to 21 years. The subjects were assigned at random into four groups of fifteen each (n=15). Group-I underwent Ladder training, Group-II underwent Plyometric training, Group-III underwent combined Ladder training and Plyometric training and Group-IV acted as Control. The age group of the subjects ranged from 18 to 21 years. The dependent variables selected for this study was Agility. Agility was assessed by 4x10 meter shuttle run test. All the subjects were tested prior to and immediately after the Experimental period on the selected dependent variables. The data obtained from the experimental groups before and after the experimental period were statistically analyzed with dependent ‘t’-test and Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Whenever the ‘F’ ratio for adjusted post-test means was found to be significant, the Scheffe’s test was applied as post-hoc test to determine the paired mean differences. The level of confidence was fixed at 0.05 level for all the cases. The results of the study showed that the experimental groups namely, Ladder Training group, Plyometric Training group and Combined Ladder Training and Plyometric Training group had significantly improved in Agility.
Use of Internet market with few clicks with Analytical hierarchical Process
Nirmala chavanPurpose – The objective of the research study is to explore the problems and risk perceived by the women customers in the process of online shopping. In order to achieve this objective, the opinion of the ten randomly selected frequent online shopper women customers is analyzed from two cities of Haryana state of India using the statistical method “Analytical hierarchical Process (AHP)”. This study focuses on the loopholes of online shopping factors explaining the online buying behavior among women customer. Approach – In the research study the objective is to explore the problems and risk perceived by the women customers in the process of online shopping. In order to achieve this objective, the opinion of the ten randomly selected frequent online shopper women customers is analysed using the statistical method “Analytical hierarchical Process (AHP)”. In this process the various available perceived risks associated with online shopping are listed on the basis of literature review as well as discussions with the women customers doing the online shopping. These selected women customers were asked to compare these different mentioned risk pairwise with the help of a questionnaire especially designed for the purpose (attached in annexure 2). On the basis of received responses from the selected women customers the process of AHP is applied. Findings –The results of the AHP provided the factors indicating the different loopholes and fear aspects of the online shopping behavior of the women customers. The naming of these loopholes in online shopping are fear of gap between expected and received product, fear of personal safety during the time of delivery ,more risky process in terms of payment, price of product, risk of right product delivery, risk of product quality, no feel and touch, no enjoyment, inability to use internet, medium of recreation. Conclusion –This paper studies the loopholes in online shopping from the prospective of women customers doing online shopping. From a theoretical point of view, not many empirical studies have been conducted to study the loopholes of online shopping with perspective of women.
Status of education in Western Maharashtra: a Geographical Analysis
Hira MalhotraLiteracy rate is one of the important demographic elements, which is a good measure of human progress towards modernization. Literacy has been defined as the ability to read and write with understanding. Indian literacy is characterized with sharp differences in between the rate of male and females; of rural and urban areas; and of various population subgroups. There are inter-regional variations in literacy rate among Western Maharashtra. The literacy variations are quite significant between male-female and rural-urban in this area. In this present paper, the western Maharashtra region is selected for analyzing these variations of literacy and differential of literacy. For this study, the secondary data are used which collected from socio-economic abstract of district. The collected data are analysed by using statistical and cartographic techniques. Such type of study represents real situation of literacy in Western Maharashtra which helps to planners, scientists and research scholars.
Critical analysis of Personality, Attribution and Environment and psychological relation
S. GumaniCreativity as an established research field in Psychology is no more side-lined as in the first half of 20th century. There are many aspects observed in the types of studies published in the contemporary journals on creativity. A review of researches done in the area of creativity is presented under three thematic categories - Personality, Attribution and Environment. The study of personality factors includes the effect of psychopathology, motivation, attention and memory in the creative performance. The study of a creative environment includes the creativity training, studying anti-creative environments, technology, the role of ambiguity and the knowledge provided. The study of environmental factors includes parenting styles, effect of technology on creativity of children in classrooms, anti-creative environments, tolerance of ambiguity and creativity training. The study of Cultural factors includes social, political, religious and economical aspects which influence creativity. The three dimensions of Personality, Attribution, and Environment are critically analysed.
The main objective of this study are to analyses the extent of intensification of agriculture in Terai-Doors region of Jalpaiguri district, to find out the extent of agriculture and find out the factors responsible for increasing the intensity of cropping. The analysis reveals that there is a block wise variation in the intensity of cropping and it is high where density of population is high, but a whole it is found to be low in the whole region. Therefore, all kinds of efforts should be made to increase the intensity of cropping in the region in order to achieve higher level of agricultural production and productivity.
Mapping of land transformation Purba Medinipur district: using Remote sensing and GIS techniques
Goutam PanditMapping of land use / land cover (LULC) and change detection by using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System method specially its anthropogenic relationship is an area of interest that has been attracting attention. It is an important factor for planning and managing activities concerning the use of land surface on the earth. Remote sensing techniques have improved mapping and interpretation of data as a means of understanding and effectively managing the present resources for sustainable development. This paper is an attempt to assess the changing pattern in land use / land cover in Egra-I block of Purba Medinipur district, West Bengal on during the period from 1990 to 2011 and to explore their contemporary economic significances. In the present study Landsat 4, 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data is used. The TM sensor collects surface reflectance data in the visible and near infrared (bands 1-5, 7), and the thermal infrared (band 6) portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Spatial resolution of the TM data is 30 meters per pixel. This study to assessed land use change with descries of the study area 1831.97 hectors (7.77%) is the surface agricultural fallow land. The results of this research are going to provide reference for trend of land use change and management in this area. Present highlights the changing pattern of land use and land cover by the remote sensing and GIS techniques in apprehending the position in the region.